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Practical information about Scheveningen

Public transport

Scheveningen is easily accessible by tram from The Hague. In many cases, this is also the best alternative. There are also several buses from The Hague to Scheveningen.

Transport by car

Scheveningen can be reached without any problem in the winter months. In the summer, on the other hand, it can be very busy. An alternative to public transport can therefore certainly be considered. Scheveningen is accessible via the A12 or the N44. Parking in Scheveningen is easiest in one of the parking garages

Useful addresses and telephone numbers


Authority Address Phone number
Emergency   112
Police Nieuwe Parklaan 250 0900-8844
General practitioner Badhuiskade 9 +31(0)70-3469669
Hospital Bronovo Bronovolaan 5, The Hague +31(0)70-3124141
Pharmacy Badhuisweg 74, The Hague +31(0)70 3585534
City hall Scheveningseweg 303 14 070


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