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Practical information about Alkmaar

Transport by train

Alkmaar has two train stations. To reach the center, get off at Central station. It is then a 5-minute walk to the town center. You can plan your route via the NS.

Transport by bus

Bus transport in and around Alkmaar is provided by, see this link for your route planner.

Transport by car

Alkmaar is the terminus of the highway (A9). Parking is best done in one of the parking garages in Alkmaar, these are clearly indicated.

Parking outside the parking garages is paid until 11 pm and relatively expensive.

Useful addresses and telephone numbers

Authority Address Phone number
Emergency   112
Police Mallegatsplein 2a +31 (0) 900 8844
General practitioner Hertog Aalbrechtweg 5a +31 (0) 72 5180618
Hospital MCA Wilheminalaan 12 +31 (0) 72 5484444
Pharmacy de Hoef Van Ostadelaan 297 +31 (0) 72 5143060
City hall Mallegatsplein 10 +31 (0) 72 5488888
Dentist Wilhelminalaan 12 +31 (0) 72 5482066

The weather